About dibz
Information about the service
22 articles
Can I use Dibz if I have a confidentiality marking or protected personal information?Can I use Dibz without a Swedish social security number?Payment defaults – do I still have a chance to get an apartment?I’m missing one or more housing queuesHow do I leave a free queue?Leaving a paid queueHow do I see my queues?How do I add queues?Is there an app?What should I do if I changed the password for a queue?How many queues can I join?How do queue points work?Can I use Dibz to register my children for housing queues?What happens if I get an apartment through a queue?What do I need to do to keep my queue spots?How do I know when I’ve reached the front of a queue?I’m already in queues. What happens then?How long does it take to get an apartment?How do I apply for apartments?Is there an age limit for Dibz?How do I start using Dibz?How does Dibz work?
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